shirt: J.Crew Factory off-the-shoulder top (under $30, also available in a gingham print + lots of other solid colors - love this red one!)
shorts: J.Crew Factory scalloped shorts (available in polka dots in addition to the great solid colors, on sale too!)
sandals: Jack Rogers flip flops (the Platinum color is the most perfect!)
scarf: J.Crew Factory (it has drawings on it of Hawaii & I love the it reminds me of our vacation there. Scarf souvinirs are my favorite, this one from Venice started this habit for me & has been featured in 6 outfits the blog - see more here!) The Hawaii one is currently sold out, but they have this super cute Paris themed one!
sunglasses: Ray Ban aviators (the green + gold color combo is my jam!)
All Photos | Noah Berg Photography
{shop these exact pieces + other favorites}
The following is a love story between a girl & her new razor. While this post is in no way sponsored by Harry's Razors... Harry if you are listening, holler at your girl!
The other day I ran out of razors & didn't 1.) want to drive to the store to get more or 2.) pay $10+ for a single freaking shave... so I did what every woman who shares a bathroom with a man would do... I stole a razor from my husband. AND OH MY GOODNESS HOW HAVE THEY BEEN HIDING THIS FROM US!?!?!
I have always shelled out for the expensive "Goddess inspired" razors because hey, I'm a GODDESS & I deserve goddess inspired razors gosh darn it! I honestly never even thought about it - that's what the going price is for a shave, who am I to rock the boat of goddesses?!
And of course, I didn't admit to my husband that I had used one of his Harry's razors, & just went on my merry, hair-free way. But then I got caught.
We were riding in the car, & from the driver's seat, Tyler reaches over to put his hand on my knee. But this time my knee was different - instead of being a confusing combo of covered in scratches + covered in stubble, he remarked that my knee was as smooth as a cue ball! A FREAKING CUE BALL - that is seriously goals, right!? All of my other razors had been telling me that I was a GODDESS, but leaving my skin with less than goddess results. Sure, I like to hurry with my shave job & this usually results in missed spots + several bleeding wounds, but Harry's gets me & the super sharp razors GET. THE. JOB. DONE.
I was so caught up in my husband's compliment that I came clean about my razor double cross. Turns out Tyler has been getting Harry's razors every month for CHEAP + had an extra handle, so now I'm set up with my own rig + monthly subscription of blades... again for super CHEAP!
After using the same razors for years, it did take a couple of shaves to get used to the feel + shape of the Harry's Razors, so here are two things to be aware of if you are switching from overpriced "women's" razors, to these unisex models. 1. They don't have much of a moisturizing strip, so using some sort of shaving cream is needed (I never used any with my GODDESS razors). 2. The blade is a little wider than I was used to + the blades are super sharp, so be careful in any sensitive areas!
P.S. Just looked into it more & you don't even have to have a subscription to order! This 3 blade set is only $15 (love the orange handle!) + upgrade to the metal handle set for only $25.
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