When I started this blog back in October of 2011, I named it "Here & Now" because I needed a daily reminder to stop looking & wishing for the future. I had found myself in a new environment, grad school, that was completely different than what most of my college friends were doing (i.e. full time employment making way more money & working way less hours).
How easy it was to wish to either be back in the care-free days of college or to fast-forward to the time when all my blood, sweat & tears as a student would finally pay off.
So I came here, to this little corner of the internet every night. Letting all of my girlie talk about fashion, trends, shopping & what nail polish I was currently craving melt my stress away (wine helps too).
I met women in similar situations as me, found a receptive audience that is always stimulating me with new conversation, & grew to find "blogging" a much loved part of my life.
Now just shy of my 2 year "blogiversary" I am finally finding myself living up to the motto that I chose for myself: Here and Now.
So much of our culture is about growing. Getting more. Rising above all the rest. Working, working, working for things & stuffs. But I am finding myself wanting to stay right here.
I recently read this article on IFB (6 signs you are ready to quit your day job & blog professionally) & it literally scared the bejesus out of me. I like my hobby blog, the one that lets me get away with saying what I want, wearing what pleases me & sticking to my grad school budget. Sure the wonderful brands that I have gotten to work with are a fabulous bonus. Hosting giveaways & meeting new followers never fails to bring a smile to my face. Waking up to see that you guys liked the 1,000th picture of my pug as much as I do, starts my day off unbelievably right. And I just know that I have best friends in the making all around this great country & some spread into far corners of the world to boot!
But I want to cultivate this moment.
Bloom where I am planted if you will.
And that is right here. Right now.
Woah - that might have just gotten a little heavy for a Tuesday morning, but I wanted you all (y'all) to be on the same page as me.
Sometimes I have to make myself not feel guilty if I want to make spontaneous Monday night plans out instead of curling up on the couch with my girls (that's you fine folks!).
Have you ever had trouble balancing your L.I.V.I.N. with your B.L.O.G.G.I.N.?
Tell me your secrets for finding more balance & doing it all!!
P.S. Don't forget to win the giveaway for a pretty pair of earrings from Jojo Loves You {here}