shirt: J.Crew Factory oversized turtleneck (very oversized, order a size down if you want it to be fitted. I am wearing the Small here & am purposely going to try to shrink it when I wash it)
Happy November. I hope everyone had a wildly fun Halloween. Ty and I were Dr. Grant & Ellie Sattler from the original Jurassic Park movie. We shook our children-of-the-nineties groove things at a 90s cover band & I was totally blown away by the amazing costumes - including a guy who dressed as the original Nintendo game, & you could play his costume #mindblown.
I do not consider my self super fashion-y. I don't keep up with all of the new designers, & don't own any couture pieces, but I have learned to dress my body, and these are some things I know that I want to share:
1. I often forget about BB Dakota, but I consistently like their pieces & need to remember to check them out more often. After getting this vest over the Summer, BB Dakota got put back on my radar, now I am lusting after this mixed material jacket & this dramatic cape.
2. Elaine Turner knows how to do python. This is an animal print that can sometimes look tacky & straight from the 80s, but these pieces are chic & timeless. The heels that I have on in this post are super comfortable & I like the low heel + bonus points that they are named the "Jessica" heels! I'm also crushing on these python sneakers, this clutch/crossbody bag & perfect ballet flats.
3. Finding slacks that are the right length is impossible for me - do I get them hemmed for flats or keep them long to wear with heels?!?! So instead, I take the easy way out & live in cropped trousers. My favorite styles are the Winnie & Skimmer from J.Crew Factory. I really like the metallic touch to the pair I'm wearing here - will be so fun for upcoming Holiday Parties!
What style truths do you swear by? Any secrets to share!?
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