
Saturday, February 23, 2013

weekend reading 02.23.13

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This weekend why don't you : play dress-up with your girlfriends?

1. Want to kick your blog photos up a notch? Learn how to make your own Photoshop Actions here & follow these tutorials to become a Photoshop goddess!

2. I love getting a behind the scenes look from other bloggers & Joy shared a great peek (with super tips) here 
(AKA how to fight Everyone Looks So Cute and It’s Totally Annoying Syndrome).

3. The Everygirl has me thinking - if I could meet any woman for lunch, who would be it? Who would be yours!?

4. If you are in a position to invest money in your blog, follow Rachel's advice about where to spend & where to save ... (I agree, buying my own domain name was a very smart move!)

5. I end every night in bed with my computer (sexy!), but Naomi has me thinking more about unplugging... 
do you have a hard time putting your "screens" down too?

Happy Weekend!
Are you going to be watching the Oscars?
If so print out your own "ballots" here or here & play along!
(Sorry so many questions this post, I am just feeling chatty!!)

My girlfirends and I are having our first "wine book club" tomorrow (with the hilar Mindy Kaling memoir "Is Everyone having fun without me?") and I'm sure there will be lots of red carpet commentary among us!


  1. Great recommendations,thank you!

    If you would like to know more about my exciting Secret Giveaway,just click on this link:http://mykaleidoscopeeyes.blogspot.com/2013/02/my-secret-giveawayshhh.html

    Thank you,dear :)

  2. I love this, totally discovered some new blogs! Thanks!


  3. great tips! thanx! and you re not the only one having trouble switching off your lappy


  4. I was like you and would end the night on my computer in bed. My fiance and I started "unplugging" after 8pm on weekdays. It was a little difficult at first because I felt like I had to reply to a comment/tweet/etc immediately...but it was still there in the morning. I've even been sleeping better!

  5. Great links - I love the Photoshop tips!

    Isn’t That Charming.

  6. Awesome links , thank you for this great post .

    xo Meg<3

    Meghan Silva's Blog

  7. Thanks so much for including me!

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