
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

wish! {out loud}

I dropped Ty off at the airport at 4am Monday morning so that he could fly to Central America to meet up with his sister who is working in the Peace Corps down there. His family is spending the next 10 days catching up with Megan who has already been serving down there for a year (she's awesome)! While I am so happy that he is getting to spend time with his sister that he hasn't seen in over a year, and have "Christmas" with his family who live across the country, I miss him! Not only is he the big spoon when we watch TV on the couch, but now I have to walk the pug every night in the COLD, alone.

See him walking off into the distance... also notice what time (AM) this drop-off was!

The even stinkier part is that because he had this great opportunity to vacation with his family in a new and exciting country, he is using up all of his remaining days off from work, and most likely won't get to come home with me during the long weekend I am planning to take off for Christmas.  boo...

But I was invited to participate in wish! {out loud} by a lovely fellow blogger, and boy do I have a wish to throw out into the universe...

{I wish that Ty and I can find affordable tickets 
that will allow him to fly down and join me 
with my family in Arkansas for the holidays}

So there it is, out there, out loud... 
now I need to get to stalking some airline websites so that this wish can come true!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up! And good luck with the ticket purchase!!! I totally feel you on the missing lover note... I can't stand when mine is away at work!


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