
Saturday, January 18, 2014

weekend reading: 01.18.14

I have been wanting to add video to the blog for a while, so Zipporah & I shot this little number right before Christmas. I think it is fun & to me, it is more "me" than just static pictures… thoughts? Is video the new frontier of blogging?

This weekend why don't you :: twirl!?

{what you might have missed on Here&Now}
{1.}  My favorite local Nashville shops & a $500 shopping spree giveaway

{2.} In what decade is your heart trapped? 

{3.} Head to toe primary colors

{4.} Getting my closet organized after the holiday craze! 

{5.} An outfit for my new life chapter. 

{posts I'm loving around the internets}
{1.} How to grow your blog.

{2.} 14 trends to try in 2014.

{3.} Be a curator of your closet… on a budget!

{4.} The J.Crew catalog is already pretty much art… turn it into such!

{5.} Is your "online persona" the real YOU?

{6.} Have you seen the pretty new face in my sidebar? See how she celebrates Helene Day!


  1. I love the idea of adding a video to your blog as another way of showing off your personality, and this video is adorable! Also, some day I will have a tulle skirt.

    NCsquared Life

  2. love the video! I would love to do more video on my blog but really don't know where to start... loved this snapshot of you (and your awesome outfit!)

  3. GAHH!! LOVE this video! Next time, maybe you can chat at us??


  4. Love the video and the idea of framing J.Crew prints! So cute!

    xo Jen
    Skirt The Rules

  5. Oh man, I don't know! Even hearing my voice on my voicemail message makes me uncomfortable!

  6. Thanks for including my online persona post on this list! I'm so glad it was so well received in blog world.

  7. haha You're adorable! You should do more vids. :)


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