
Friday, October 26, 2012


{original image via}
It's my 1st birthday y'all!
I simply CANNOT believe that I hit the "publish" button on this little guy 1 year ago today.
Since then I have published 400+ posts, met many blogger friends that I am convinced are my long lost sisters, learned more about my ever evolving style choices, and somehow convinced a few of you to follow along while I was at it.
Seriously though, this blog is my after hours hobby, and it brings me SUCH joy to come home and read your sweet comments, and cook up new content for the next day. How you haven't gotten tired of pictures of me or my pug yet is BE-yond me!

To thank you for being a part of the Here&Now community and celebrate 1 year of blogging, I have a little giveaway for you beautiful people
I love displaying fashion/style books around my house, and especially enjoy the books recently put out by some of the amazing bloggers I have "met" though the interwebs over the past few years.
5 of my favorite books written by bloggers (that I would like to give to you to enjoy!) are I Spy DIY Style, What I Wore, Cupcakes and Cashmere, The One Hundred, and The Sartorialist.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of my slice of the internet, and I can't wait to bring you even more great stuff in the very near future and over the years to come!

P.S. I am linking up with Long Distance Loving for her 100th Friday's Fancies... head on over { there } to continue the milestone celebration party!


  1. making new friends!

  2. I love being more aware of what I wear and how I look and being able to meet new people and get inspired

  3. Happy blogiversary!!!  My favorite part about blogging is meeting wonderful new people and spreading happiness. 

    I hope you have a great weekend! :)

  4. Gorgeous Jessica, you have amazing style. I had joined/followed your blog a while ago and totally forgotten to read it. I had just checked it out at the time. For the past week I have been obsessing over your blog & your style and even commented on two of your posts (from this week) yesterday.

    You have sass, class, style, the right attitude and seem like a delightful girl to be around.

    It would be MY HONOR to invite you over my little page of the Internet and please follow me as well - I would be so delighted.

    P.S. Enter me on your giveaway, pleaseeee and thank youuuuu.

    Have a Fantastic, Blessed Weekend!! <3 Ada.

  5. Congratulations on your 1st blogiversary...with many more to come!

  6. I love seeing new ways to wear clothes that I would never have thought of and finding awesome DIY projects for my home!

  7. Happy birthday, Here&Now!

  8. Happy blogiversary! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! :) My favorite part about blogging/reading books is all the fun people I've met, and all the inspiration I've gathered!

  9. All the good fashion tips :)

  10. I love getting inspired to try things that I normally would not whether it be a fun DIY or a new outfit idea.  Happy Blogiversary!  

  11. i love all the great ideas i get from the blogs i read. inspiration in all aspects of my life. and the community of support for women!

  12. Happy Blogiversary!!!!! I looove all the outfits you put together :)

    One thing I love about blogging is being able to share little bits of myself with people (I'm a huge talker and I LOVE MAKING FRIENDS). I love reading blogs because they give me such excellent inspiration!

  13. I love reading your blog, getting inspiration on outfits and seeing photos of your adorable dog :)

  14. I love reading about other people's real lives in the sense that it gives me some comfort to see others go through some of the same things I go through.  

  15. i like getting outfit ideas.

  16. Congrats Girl! I want ALL of these books! :)


  17. Such a great giveaway! I love fashion/blogging books! I have all of Nina Garcia's, but I've never read any of the other ones! Sure hope I win :) and I think my favorite part of blogging has been connecting with people, but also getting direct inspiration for an outfit for myself. It makes things easier on me! Happy one year of blogging to you Jess!

    perfectly priya

  18. Congrats on your 1 year blog-iversary!! Here's to many more :) I love the blogging community--I've made so many awesome friends through blogging!

  19. Congrats on your milestone anniversary, Jess!  Keep it going :)


  20. My favorite part about blogging is connecting with people from all over the country and world!

  21. Katherine BranscombeOctober 26, 2012 at 1:47 PM

    I enjoy seeing the little things that people love and appreciate and it opens my eyes to new ideas when it comes to fashion, decorating, literature...

  22. Congrats on your Blogiversary! I love being inspired by other bloggers!  

  23. The best part for me is the constant stream of inspiration everywhere and making new friends!

  24. Happy Blog Birthday!!! xoxoxo

  25. Yay!!! Happy Blogiversary!! What a fantastic giveaway. It's been so nice getting to know you. Though I haven't been following that long, I love the content you share daily!

  26. I love making new friend. Which I have made a lot in my 2 years of blogging. 

  27. I love blogging for the constant source of inspiration and all of the fabulously talented ladies I come across! This is probably the best giveaway I've seen in a long time! Crossing my fingers!

  28. My favorite part is getting ideas of how to mix and match. 

  29. Happy birthday Here & Now! What an amazing accomplishment, Jessica! A great giveaway too :)

    My favorite part about blogging is connecting with fellow bloggers all over the world. There are some truly kind people here in blog-land and it's just so fun to see everyone's styles!

  30. I have a pug puppy too & I'm in love! Congrats on a year. Xo Inna

    *** BAKING IN COUTURE ***www.bakingincouture.com

  31. Aww, happy blogiversary, girl! 

  32. I love the community feel of blogging. And I love the inspiration I get from other bloggers!


  33. i love seeing new styles and trends!

  34. My favorite thing about reading style blogs is getting the chance to see the creative outfits that bloggers can put together. I love getting the inspiration for new outfits.

  35. The inspiration and making so many new friends!

  36. I started blogging because all of my girlfriends moved away and I was having serious friend withdrawels. I know I can always count on my blogging girls to connect with people again :)

  37. What an awesome and thoughtful giveaway! Like you I love all the friendship I have found. It's so amazing! Congrats on your first year :)

  38. Happy blog birthday!  I love all of the wonderful inspiration we get from each other :)

  39. I like the possibility to connect with new people!

  40. Happy blogoversary :-D Haha! I hope you'll continue to post so I can continue to read ^^ Here's a toats to one more year of awesomeness on Here & Now! x

  41. Love getting style inspo!! Congrats on 1 Year Jessica!!


  42. I love seeing and reading others ideas and opinions on various topics from home decor to tv to fashion.

  43. Happy blogiversary!!!  Isn't it awesome what a blog can do?  

    Red Soles and Red Wine

  44. YAY!! congrats, jessica!!!! happy blogiversary!! this is by far my favorite part of blogging - meeting amazing people :) 

  45. Happy blog birthday!!  That's so exciting!  It's crazy how fast the time goes!  Let's see... my favorite part about blogging is the connection I make with fellow bloggers!  Seriously, it feels like a lot of you are my friends!  :)


  46. Happy blogiversary!! I love "meeting" new people!

  47. Happy blog birthday!! Thanks for stopping by my blog... it now has brought me to yours and I love it! Now following!

  48. Happy blogiversary! Keep at it!

  49. That's awesome! Congrats!!! Any advice on how you have been so successful???

  50. Happy Blogiversary! I love getting to know other bloggers and getting inspiration!


  51. YAY!!!! Happy blog anniversary darling!!! I can't wait to see even more inspiration! :)
    xoxo Darby
    Obviously Obsessed 

  52. I definitely love the blogging community as well.

    LOVE this giveaway so so much!!

  53. Happy blogging birthday!! Huge accomplishment! :)

    xo Ashley

  54. Your blog layout looks great, first of all :) Secondly, HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY! That is such a great milestone and I am in agreement with your sentiments on blogging - it brings so much joy into my life... most days ;)

    Great giveaway, I've wanted to check out Emily's book for a while!

  55. My favorite part of blogging is getting to 'meet' amazing bloggers. I've made some great friends and am so thankful! Happy blogiversary! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  56. Happy blog b-day! I love looking back at my old posts and comparing them to recent ones. I didn't realize you were in a Ph.D. program!


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  57. Happy bloggy birthday! I think my favorite thing about blogging is getting to "meet" people I would have never met otherwise. It's such a fun community to be a part of!

  58. Happy happy blog birthday!!! I love the new design lady!

  59. Hi There. I found you on The Coffeehouse blog sidebar! Had to come over because I loved your pic and the blog name. :) How cool I would find your Blogiversary and Giveaway too! What I love about blogging...I love that my blog gives me a place to practice creativity. --I love to write. I love that I am learning more about design and how to implement. What I love about following other bloggers...I love reading and feeling inspired by good stories. I love seeing good design and being inspired by design as well as by story and experience. There's so much to love. Thanks for the thought provoking question. :)

    1. Kimberly,
      I am so happy you found your way over here, and thank you for letting me know what led to you make that first click! I can't wait to head over and check out your site too! Sounds like we love blogging for many of the same reasons!

  60. Congrats on your Blog-birthday! It's like a second birthday for you, so enjoy!


    1. Also, I'm silly and didn't see the post info - I love getting to 'meet' new bloggers and find inspiration in what they share. It's a great way to take a fresh eye to my own closet/life!

  61. getting to know other bloggers!! happy blog anniversary! so glad I've "met" you!! :) and i keep meaning to say LOVE the new blog look!

  62. happy blogiversary! I love reading new blogs and learning about others. :)gina

  63. Happy blog birthday Jess.... I don't know how I missed this post on Friday...
    My favorite part of blogging is connecting with other bloggers and reading sweet comments. Thanks for the giveaway!


  64. Awww that's so sweet! I'm so glad you stuck to it and Happy Birthday Here&Now...
    I love blogging because it feels like I can share what's on mind mind without any fear because it's so liberating. I also love just simply pushing myself in the fashion sense because I HAVE TO come up with a new outfit... It makes me more adventurous with my clothes!


  65. Happy Bloggy Birthday!!! My favorite thing about blog is being inspired :)

  66. I love the community and making friends :)

  67. Congrats! Love your blog. So adorable.

  68. I love learning about other people's lives and their inspirations!

  69. What a great giveaway! I feel like my followers are my long lost friends too. Oh and Happy Anniversary!!

  70. I love writing and I can't believe people read my writing. I also love all of the people I have met along the way!

  71. I love reading blogs to see all the new info/thoughts out there.

  72. I love blogging/reading blogs because I can connect with people who have similar interests.

  73. I love providing inspiration to others, and being inspired by other bloggers!

  74. CONGRATS! How exciting :) You and your blog are wonderful! I am totally looking forward to the next year and what's to come!


Thank you for your comments, they make my day!!