I shower at night, usually pick out what I am going to wear the next (mentally or physically) before going to bed, Make lunch from the night before's leftovers, I don't eat breakfast, and taking care of Doug takes 10-ish minutes in the morning... so theoretically I could make it out of my house in 20 minutes tops... but for some reason I set my alarm for 7:30 and I don't have to leave the house until 8:40...
what am I doing for all that extra time you ask... SNOOZING...
Here is my typical morning schedule:
7:30 am - first alarm... hit SNOOZE
7:40 am - second alarm, get up to feed Doug the Pug, get back in bed... hit SNOOZE
7:50 am - third alarm, Doug gets back in bed... cuddle time... hit SNOOZE
8:00 am - fourth alarm, just need 5 more minutes, reset alarm for 8:05
8:05 am - fifth alarm, feeling guilty, turn off alarm, play with Doug for 5 minutes
8:10 am - finally get out of bed, head to the bathroom for my morning routine
8:20 am - dressed and ready for the day, head downstairs to pack my purse/lunch
8:30 am - head out side to let the pug do his bid-ness
8:40 am - off to work
so yea, 30 minutes of snoozing... re-setting the alarm... I have a snoozing problem!
But I want to be rehabilitated into a "morning person"
But I want to be rehabilitated into a "morning person"
Who are these mythical people who get up before their alarms with a spring in their step... have extra time to WORK OUT before the day starts... grab a cup of coffee and catch up on reading... cook breakfast... ?!
I am certainly not part of that club... but I want to be
So what have I done about this... so far nothing...
I dunno... thinking about getting a coffee maker...
yea... pretty sad!
Are you a morning person?
Does it just come naturally?
Or do you have to work at it, and have tips to share with me...
omg your puppy is so cute, I cannot handle it.
ReplyDelete$100 Shopbop GIVEAWAY
I'm not a morning person. I get up at 6am make coffee for Hubby and his lunch. Also take Priscilla out. Then back to bed I go until I have to get ready for work.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, HOW CUTE! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm far from a morning person and that's how I've always been! One thing that has helped me a little is leaving the blinds open 3/4ths so the sun shines in to my room. In the winter, I turn the lamp on my nightstand on when my second alarm goes off, so usually by the third time I don't feel like hitting snooze anymore. Showering in the morning helps me get through the rest of the day - but the hardest part is getting my feet on the floor!
ReplyDeletePS thanks for the link lesson on awk & awesome the other day, very helpful!
finer feelings
I love the snooze button!
ReplyDeleteOkay, first, your pup is adorable!! Second, I'm jealous you get to sleep so late! Even on the weekend, when I coerce my husband to get up with the kids, I still am up by about 7:30. I haven't always been a morning person, but kids will do that to you. lol During the week, I get up at 4:55 so that I can run before work. Then, I get dressed and get the kids dressed and we get out the door at about 7:15. On the weekends, my Little Guy rarely ever sleeps past 6:00, so I'm still usually up early. lol
ReplyDeleteJess...this post made my whole day, for many reasons!
ReplyDelete1. I am NOOOOTTTTTT a morning person either. Daniel always gives me a hard time because I snooze my alarm at least 5-6 times, and I'm super grumpy about having to get up...even though after you walk around for a few, you realize being out of bed isn't all that bad. I too want to be someone who gets up and works out, eats breakfast and is all put together for work by 8 a.m....we'll see.
2. Those are some of the cutest pictures of Doug EVER! He's so cute!! I want a pug now...done.
I'm definitely NOT a morning person, but I am one of those mythical creatures who wakes up on time without an alarm. It's a curse, not a blessing, in my book...haha. I always set the alarm, then without fail, wake up one minute before it goes off. Every. Morning. Even on weekends. blahhh!
ReplyDeleteI go through cycles of loving and hating mornings. I'm currently hating mornings but trying to love them again -especially since it's summer and the sun is up. All those snoozes seem totally ridiculous when I'm finally up and out of bed. I could have just slept soundly for those last 45 minutes OR gone for a walk and packed my lunch? Foolish.
ReplyDeleteI like this post and the cute Doug pics. I'm going to work on my routine to get back to easy mornings. I think the first step is changing the evening routine - maybe going to bed just a little earlier?
Charming in Person
I love pugs and these photos are just too cute!
I love pugs and these photos are just too cute!
These photos of Doug are SO cute! Sometimes I wake up before my alarm and if I don't, I never hit the snooze button for fear of oversleeping. From the time I wake up to the time I'm out the door, it's an hour. (and that's without me actually doing my hair aka leaving it natural or in a bun!).
The Tiny Heart
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I'm the opposite, I'm totally a morning person. I have never snoozed. I always get out of bed within 5 minutes of my alarm going off. I've just always been that way. My husband is like you, he's a night owl and cannot handle the mornings. We've tried putting his alarm clock halfway across the room... but he just gets right back into bed after, so that didn't work. :)
ReplyDeletexo, Yi-chia
I'm NOT a morning person but I think you will grow out of it... It's easier when you have kids I think (not that I have them yet) but it makes you get up lol EARLY
I cannot even STAND the cuteness that is Doug in these pics!!
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely not a morning person either. I used to snooze a lot like you too but what I did to trick myself is the clock by my side of the bed is set about 20ish minutes fast. So I set my alarm for 6:00 & snooze once. For some reason, even though I KNOW the clock is fast, I still get up thinking if I don't I'll be late. From doing this I learned that I actually function much better when I have about an hour to laze around before having to get ready.
So now I'm out of bed a few minutes before 6:00 & I don't leave the house until 7:30. I wouldn't give up that time in the morning for anything! It's totally my me time & if I don't get it, I feel rushed & much more grumpy :o)
HAHAHAHAHAH I am DYING right now because that is the SAME TIMELINE I HAVE!!!! hahahahahaha alarm at 7:30, get out of bed at 8:10. i am NOT a morning person. oh my gosh HILARIOUS. i love this!!!
ReplyDeletestill being [molly]
Oh my god, Doug is so beyond precious I seriously can't even handle it. Our pugs together would be crazy cute!!
i am a morning person! I have about an hour and half that I'm up most mornings before I leave for work. I love having time to drink my coffee and check emails, blogs, etc. I love that it is quiet and I get to start the day like that! But I am NOT a night person - I get crabby and like to go to bed early! : )
ReplyDeletei am not a morning person and never have been or wanted to be
ReplyDeletemy mother always said i would become one as i got older, well i am 49 and still not a morning person, don't think it is gonna happen!
embrace the sleep
love the cute pictures
I am sooo not a morning person and I don't drink coffee. Snoozing with my little kitties is so hard to break but I have the last 2 years gotten up at 6:30am for my hour workout. I hate it, but the end result of trying to stay fit is worth it. Does not come naturally but, its all about setting your mind to do it. Hang in there! U Can do it!
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely not a morning person, but I do find that snoozing makes this much worse. I think the best thing is to throw yourself out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off, put on the kettle, hop into the shower (even if its just a quick rinse, not a full hair wash etc), and make your coffee as soon as you get out. That wakes me up the best :)
ReplyDeleteAdorable dog! I am not a morning person either. I could snooze forever =)
I have this exact same problem. If you find something that works for you, please share. :)
ReplyDeleteIf you find the secret, please let us know, lol. I would LOVE to be able to get up earlier, workout, then start my morning routine. And as much as I try and plan for it, I just can't do it. I need my sleep more.
ReplyDeleteHaha! These are such cute pictures! And as much as I am a morning person, I don't know HOW people manage to work out in the morning AND look good. One of the reasons I get up so early is to allow my hair to dry (it takes several hours). Crazy people.
I cannot snooze! I get up when the alarm goes off. However, in the above scenario, I would set my alarm for 8:10. I'm really crazy about my sleep, so I try to get in as much as I can!
ReplyDeleteHey, you are down from, "10 more minutes" at a time to 5 minutes, at a time!
ReplyDeleteUm Doug is the cutest! I definitely love a snooze or 2, but I can usually pull myself outta bed after that :) I WISH I was someone who could get up and work out though - that will never happen!
The Other Side of Gray
Best comment... "embrace the sleep" - words I CAN live by!
Thanks lady!
What a good wifey! I hope I could do that... even if it included going back to bed afterwards!
oh yay, glad that you figured out the tip!
Oh yea! Another snooze fan!
haha, I have never thought that I get to sleep "late", I guess there is always other ways to think about things! Getting up before 5 to work out is something that is so inspirational to me... but wow, I don't think it will ever happen! (but maybe that will change after I have kids...)
Thanks lady! And yes, you totally need a pug... everyone does (that should be my beauty pageant platform... world peace and pugs!)
You crazy unicorn of the alarm world!
yeaaaa... I definitely agree that I feel ridiculous about all my snoozing once I am up, but when I am still in bed, those extra 5 minutes are all I can think about!
Oh Yi-chia... you need to be a sleeper so we can continue to be Twins! haha
ReplyDeleteI am jealous that you like mornings... oh what I could do with that extra time!
haha - I hope I can get up and make breakfast for my kids like my mom always did for me... that is why I need to start now trying to make steps!
Ooh... that sounds like a good trick!
haha... it really is a snooze button sickness! Good to know I'm not the only one!
haha thanks! I definitely want a whole gaggle of pugs one day!
That is what I dream of doing too! Getting up to start my day off right... but I guess I might have to give up my night owl productivity to get that dream!
No coffee!? I don't know how you do it! I love snuggling with my fur baby in the morning too!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement!xx
haha I love it... I will definitely have to work on "thawing myself" out of the bed... all about that will power, right?
ReplyDeleteI just got a coffee maker... so hopefully this week will be better!
Oh girl, I will... I just got a coffee maker today... hopping that helps!
That is why I have to shower at night... my hair takes FOREVER to dry! Glad I am not alone :)
No snooze!? And yes, most sane people would just set their alarm for later, but I kind of like the cat napping that I get in-between snoozing... yes - it's cray!
Thanks! I think I need to start by limiting my snooze limit!
Reading this, I had to comment that I'm the exact same way....I've decided my natural body clock is just slightly off of society's accepted routine. So be it....fortunately I have an afternoon/evening job so it works for now. But when I had a normal 9-5 job...my mornings were just like yours, except I was trying to do all that between 630 and 730 am. Yikes. ;-(