
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

giveaway goodies

Well, being a lucky lady & winning a handful of giveaways sure has made my shopping ban so. much. easier!
Top Row: Estarer bracelet // Guise "Molly" Sunnies
Middle Row: Estarer necklace // Seams To Be hat // Estarer bracelets
Bottom Row: Ma Petite Shoes oxfords // Purple Paparazzi necklace (the one I got is sold out, but many of her other fabulous jewels are currently on sale... run don't walk!)

This summer, I claimed Honey & Silk's Guise Archives sunglasses giveaway (getting to pick out the Molly sunnies to call my own!)

At the end of September, I wonMa Petite Shoes $100 giftcard from APoT
     Then this month I really racked them up - 
getting a $20 Estarer giftcard from Always Maylee, a $75 credit to Purple Paparazzi from Design Darling, and a hat of my choice from Seams To Be's Etsy shop     
And THEN, just last night, sweet Vickie from Adventures in Fashion emailed me the good news that I won a $50 gift card to Boutique Onze

 y'all, that's a value of $498.00 (!!!)  

I wish I had some tips for winning giveaways, because who doesn't love getting new goodies in the mail from fabulous blogging ladies!?

How is your luck at winning giveaways?
Which are your favorites to enter? 
(I wanna know what types I should showcase on my site in the future!)


  1. I know what you mean!  I've won four giveaways this year and they were all so exciting.  I won the March A Beautiful Mess giveaway, and that was just pure overwhelming!  When I totaled up all I'd won, it was over $1000!  Congratulations on your winnings!

  2. You are on fire!!  I've won a few giveaways here and there, but not as many as you!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  3. Holy cow! What a lucky girl you are. I've won a giveaway once...like years ago. I have terrible luck.

  4. You should buy a lottery ticket lady! Well, usually whether I enter a giveaway depends on how many requirements there are. I don't like to sign up for a newsletter or follow a brand I've never heard of on Facebook or Twitter. Following the blog is no big deal, because usually I already am. And commenting is fine too. But if it takes more than that just for a basic entry I probably won't bother. I think those "extras" should be for extra entries. Anyway, that's just my 2 cents!

    Sarah's Real Life

  5. Oh my goodness I can't believe you've won so many! haha I don't think I've ever won a giveaway. Obviously I'm not trying hard enough ;)



  6. Holy smokes, I am jealous of all your winnings! I haven't won any giveaways yet, so I must have bad luck! I definitely will always try to win things though as long as the requirements aren't too ridiculous!

  7. Wow, I've never won a blog giveaway! It's nice to give too though - I'm hoping to have a giveaway soon on my blog.


  8. I seriously can't believe you've won all that stuff in giveaways!! I try to enter every giveaway I come across in hopes of winning SOMETHING, still no luck yet! But you certainly are lucky!

    perfectly priya

  9. I win giveaway here and there. congrats on your winnings

  10. Holy hell woman! Next time you shower bottle up the water and send it over. I need some of your luck!

    That sounded way creepier than I intended. Don't actually send your shower water. (I guess. Begrudgingly.)
    Samantha @ Sam ipsa loquitur

  11. can i have some of your luck??? haha .. i've only one an inPink gift certificate, which i am excited to get my new earrings from!

  12. Wowwww!!!!  I have won only 1 giveaway, but I was super excited about that.  I love giveaways with things I wouldn't normally buy for myself.  Your book giveaway was incredible.

    (PS...i'm having one today..you should come enter with your luck)  :-)



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